WIDBERG(1)                 General Commands Manual                WIDBERG(1)

NAME         top

    widberg - general purpose code generation utility/human

SYNOPSIS         top

    widberg [--education] [--work-experience] [--awards-received]

DESCRIPTION         top

    Video game modder, cybersecurity professional, and low-level programmer.

OPTIONS         top

        University of Massachusetts Lowell             Lowell, MA
        Computer Science-Cybersecurity; Mathematics Minor;
        Honors College
        GPA: 4.0, Summa Cum Laude

        St. John's Preparatory School                 Danvers, MA
        Class of 2019

        BAE Systems - ES - FAST Labs  May 2022 - p. Merrimack, NH
        Scientist Sr

        UMass Lowell CUBICS Lab  Apr. 2020 - Jun. 2021 Lowell, MA
        Computer Vision Researcher, Embedded Systems Engineer

        University of Massachusetts Lowell        2023 Lowell, MA
        Trustee's Key and Chancellor's Medal

        State of Massachusetts                   2018 Peabody, MA
        Annual Secretary's Award for Excellence in Energy and
        Environmental Education

        Boy Scouts of America - Troop 119        2017 Peabody, MA
        Eagle Scout

        Reverse Engineering, Computer Programming, Game Modding,
        Travel, Hiking, Camping, Music, Skiing, Environmentalism

PUBLICATIONS         top

    Jared Widberg, Sashank Narain, Yimin Chen. "Clang __usercall: Towards
        Native Support for User Defined Calling Conventions." In Proceedings
        of The 30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and
        Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2022).

    Jared Widberg. "Compiler Aided User Defined Calling Conventions for
        Reverse Engineering." University of Massachusetts Lowell Commonwealth
        Honors College. Kenedy College of Science - Computer Science Honors
        Project Archive 2022.

    Mohammad Arif Ul Alam, Md Mahmudur Rahman, Fernando Mazzoni, Jared Widberg.
        "PALMAR: Towards Adaptive Multi-Inhabitant Activity Recognition in
        Point-Cloud Technology." IEEE International Conference on Computer
        Communications 2021.

    Mohammad Arif Ul Alam, Md Mahmudur Rahman, Fernando Mazzoni, Jared Widberg.
        "LAMAR: Lidar based Multi-inhabitant Activity Recognition." 17th EAI
        International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing,
        Networking and Services.

FILES         top

    llvm-project-widberg-extensions - source code
    Clang/LLVM fork with first-class __usercall syntax and __shifted pointer

    bff - source code
    Rust-based GUI/CLI utility to work with Zouna file formats.

    fmtk - source code
    Mod injector/loader for Asobo's FUEL (2009) video game.

    usercall.hpp - source code
    MSVC++ macro library for generating function prologues/epilogues for
    IDA style usercall/userpurge function declarations.

    kasm - source code
    MIPS-like virtual machine, macro assembler, and compiler.

SEE ALSO         top

    github(1), linkedin(1), arXiv(1).

COPYRIGHT         top

    Copyright (c)  2020-2023  widberg.

    Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
    under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or
    any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no
    Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover
    Texts.  A copy of the license is included in the section entitled
    "GNU Free Documentation License".

portfolio-1.08                 2023-11-26                         WIDBERG(1)